About Me

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I love red velvet cake, glitter, music, car washes, and nail polish. I am a southern belle with a hint of cajun class. Starting this blog was a challenge to do something I WANTED to do not because I HAD to.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lots to say

Well I feel as if I have not posted anything in a while.  So I have lots to say...

First of all I got my schedule for the rest of the semester and i.am.so.pumped!
If I am...I know my momma is because she gets to see me:) yay

I spent almost the entire day on the phone with Ricki my travel agent (yes I have one of those ) and she was trying to find the best flights available.

During Recruitment season the phimuccs (Chapter Consultants) are given a traveling schedule, but now that most recruitments are finished and the normal semester is beginning we have a different system.  We are given what is called a "set"...such as the "Zeta set" and days blocked off for that set.  (Zeta Gamma, Zeta Lambda, Zeta Sigma) get the picture?

I then go to google maps and put a balloon at each place in the set to figure out where I should go in what particular order. Then call RICKI.

I only have one set left to finish but it is for after Thanksgiving...I am going to give it a few weeks just incase our schedules change again.  I had Northern Louisiana (which I was pretty pumped about ULM | Tech | LSUS | Southern Arkansas) but now I have Northern Carolina.  And oh do I love the Carolinas!!! I do get to visit phimucc Jillian's chapter in Roanoke, VA!

Detail scheduled to come later...

Finished Got most of my "to do" list done...
  • Book flights (check)
  • Register for the GRE (check)....hope you are happy dad :)
  • and mailed in Phi Mu receipts to good ole Nancy at HQ (check)
  • Report emailed to HQ

I just need to sign up for American Airlines frequent flyers....isn't that the airlines that Ellen likes? I think so!

I am currently in Arkansas with the Epsilon Lambda chapter.  Tomorrow is preference and then Saturday is Bid Day!  I cannot wait to see all of the fabulous new phis! It will be phi-tastic!

Epsilon Lambda chapter before Philanthropy Day
oh and there's me

Crazy thing is...no matter where you go there will always be someone from Bunkie, someone who has family from Bunkie, someone who's been to Bunkie, or someone who at least knows where Bunkie is located on the map. ALWAYS

Tomorrow I get to have lunch with one of the BINGO Sistas...Mrs. Diane Goodlow...she once was in the Bingo group my mom played partied ate laughed cried with...heck all of the above!

I am certainly excited to see a familiar face.

Also the Arkansas Tech IFC President was the Arkansas State Beta Club President in 2007-2008...we know each other from long ago in our beta days.  Oh beta club...how I miss thee!

Plus today is his Birthday...so Happy Birthday Elliot.

More to come soon...love to all. 

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