About Me

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I love red velvet cake, glitter, music, car washes, and nail polish. I am a southern belle with a hint of cajun class. Starting this blog was a challenge to do something I WANTED to do not because I HAD to.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Airport Adventures

Arrive at the San Antonio airport.  Goodbye UTSA. Use the Delta Kiosk to sign in...got my Delta frequent flyer miles number memorized.  GO ME!  Print boarding passes.  Weigh suitcase....(fingers crossed)....46lbs! Yay:)

Get to the security line and the guy at the TSA check in table says, "Hey there little lady.  Well don't you look nice with your flesh toned toe nails" (Me thinking in my head: uh uh I don't know what to say back to that awkward comment) so I reply, "Well thank you.  Look at you keeping up with your fashion trends"... oh how airports are interesting!

Go through security.  Pull two bins.  One is just for the mac.  Other sandals, clear ziploc, and my pink tote bag.  Put the massively heavy carryon suitcase on the conveyer belt.  Ready to be x-rayed/scanned/some new freaky blue thing where you have to stand with your head above your arms.  AND good to go....

Repack everything.  Shoes back on and rolling down to the terminal...STOP! McDonalds...yes I can get a large coke! ahhhh Heaven in a glass! Swipe that Phi Mu credit card :) and moving along to my gate...

Well I'm looking for Gate 13...there's 8 and 9...where is 10, 11, 12, and 13? No where to be found! 

I walked to the end of the completely wrong terminal.  Oh yes! Start walking in the opposite direction.  Now at a brisk pace! Finally...Gate 13.  Ready to board.

Hour and forty minute flight to ATL.  Oh hey Atlanta...thanks again for not having wifi.  You're the best!

Flight delayed.  
Flight delayed again. 

Talked on the phone to Megan Oilar (#phimucc having a blast at Tulane) while I tried to find candy.  
Found it and with a fantastic price of $2.25 for a bag of skittles.  Gotta love airport prices $$$$

Board flight to Bama! Sat next to a Master Sgt in the Air Force.  He was a cool cat.  From Cali...3 month old baby...Ashley Nicole.  Presh!

Landed in Montgomery and hitting the ground running.  Open House starts at 7!

Had to share my airport adventures.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the one...so funny and I needed that today...sounds like you are having a blast...hahaha...love you!!! Momma
