About Me

My photo
I love red velvet cake, glitter, music, car washes, and nail polish. I am a southern belle with a hint of cajun class. Starting this blog was a challenge to do something I WANTED to do not because I HAD to.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

cheers to a new year

A lot has happened in 2012. In fact Facebook is generous enough to share your top moments of the year. When I think back a year ago at this time I had no clue where I would be or what would be going on in my life. The future is scary. Really freaking scary. I honestly find myself back in the same spot as a year ago not knowing where I will be upon graduation in July and folks...that's okay.

Last year I had the honor and privilege to represent Phi Mu as a national chapter consultant. I'm sure everyone enjoyed reading those posts compared to the lack of posts during graduate school. I started the year out in Indiana and Washington DC. and visited many amazing places along the way. Working for Phi Mu was probably the best and sometimes toughest experience I have ever had. I learned a lot about myself and who I wanted to be in the future. I had the opportunity to eat at some of the best little hole in the wall restaurants all over the country and meet hundreds of fantastic people. 2012 had a large portion filled by a job that created memories for a lifetime.

 Summer of 2012 was filled with a world wind of experiences like helping with swimming lessons for my best friend, working at my dads office (maybe for the last official time??), counseling 3 very different but amazing weeks with my BLC family at summer camp, initiating my mom into the most amazing sisterhood, and celebrating a birthday. Then BAM...it's time to move to Hattiesburg and grow up a little more.

This fall was honestly the most nerve wracking, emotionally and intellectually challenging, amazing semester! Even when I had no clue where I would be after April 22 (that is when I flew back home from Phi Mu), God had a plan. My time in Hattiesburg in graduate school has NOT been easy. My entire research methods class has our professor to thank for that realization. What I did find easy is the ability to connect with others and gain some heart felt friends through this process.

I have had so many "ah ha" moments in Hattiesburg it is not even funny! My favorite is when I learned I wasn't just in H town to attend Southern Miss for graduate school, but to grow in my faith. I have found an awesome church to call home away from home on Sundays and also a stronger relationship with the Big Man!!

Since I haven't posted on my blog since October 9th (I know I am a terrible person for that...but school comes first...hope that is a good excuse. I did make a 4.0 hooray!) there are so many things I could write about. I probably could write a novel...heck I think I am pretty close already. Anyway...

Few things to share before 2012 ends...

I have had the craziest/vivid/real dreams since I moved and I am loving it. Hope that sticks.
I'm obsessed with spotify. So if you don't know what it is you better check it out!
Hattiesburg doesn't have a single daiquiri place, which makes me miss Natchitoches desperately.
I lost my best kitty friend Rose, but received the most wonderful gift in her memory for Christmas.
Thanks for an amazing sermon series...Be the person you are looking for is looking for.
Always take more pictures! and smile more :)

Last year for New Year's I wanted to make a goal in life to think more before I speak. Although I still struggle with this one, I do think I've improved. I need a new goal for 2013...so holler some suggestions my way.

Thank you to those who read my blog even though postings became sporadic.

May God Bless you (whoever is reading this) in 2013...


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

you think you know, but you don't


Election time is back in full swing! Everyone around you is tuning into the debates and all of a sudden becoming brilliant political analyst.  ; ) Well at least we think we are anyway.

I recently read a blog posting that had an awesome quiz about political views.  It was very easy to read and did not take a long time at all.  I did have to google search a bit to find out my true opinions on some of the topics, but that is what it is all about.  Research! This quiz did not just focus on the two main parties either, it leveled the playing field for all parties.

So if you think you know, you probably don't.  I challenge you to take this quiz, google some of the areas you don't know about, and get informed the right way.  Yes, twitter and facebook have helped us move along into the tech savvy world we live in today, but do the research for yourself.

Once you find your voice, no matter what that voice may be you will be able to back it up with facts not just other people's opinions.  I challenge you to also share this quiz with others so they can become more informed as well.

Be the change you want to see if the world. Vote.  It matters more than you think!

It's not this simple.  Get informed.

Check out the quiz here

Oh and if you are like me and will not be in your home state for election day you might want to check out absentee voting!  


Thought this video was cute...even though it's a little old.

Thanks Jennifer for sharing your post! check her blog out here

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

september sundays

I am so ashamed that it has been this long since my last post.  Two words...Graduate School.  Enough said...

When I moved to Hattiesburg I decided to scope out some churches and find the best one for me.  My first stop was First Baptist Hattiesburg....well I didn't look any further.  This church has most of what I was looking for in Sunday services.

This past month the preacher Jeff Clark has been sharing a series called "To End Church as We Know It".  I have absolutely loved the series and it really hits home.

I want to share thoughts that I wrote down during the month...
These are all notes that I took during the sermon.  I pieced them together and sometimes had to read scribble scratch to make it out.  I hope you enjoy.

STOP being weird about the world.  God does not want us to live in a Christian bubble.  He wants us to go and serve him and others.

Many times when you think about church you think of a white building with huge columns and a steeple. uh no that is not church.  Well it can be, but we should not put God in a box.  "God said I don't live in a house.  I made the world"...step outside your comfort zone and bring "church" to others.

This is what really got me...so many people today have stereotypical thoughts about church such as business meetings arguments, prayer rooms, crazy long prayer lists with tiny font, purchasing or sitting at your own pew. cough cough John Fletcher ;)  This pushes people away.  I repeat this is what pushes people away!

Again, Don't be weird! Be BOLD.  Pray big bold prayers!  For example many times we pray for safety, but what if God doesn't want us to be safe? What if He has us right where He wants us so we can be a disciple of Him? I will pray big bold prayers for the people around me that need Christ.

We can be miracle workers.  If you get your mind off of yourself and allow Him to work through you, He can and will move in powerful ways.

Don't underestimate the impact you have on others.  God has a plan for you to not just go to church but BE the church.

God never changes.  He is always the same.  That doesn't mean that we should continue to use the same method to minister to others.  Adapt to the culture around us and use it spread God's word.  You've got to be savvy about your culture...be a culture warrior.  Jesus broke culture barriers, so can you! twitter, facebook, etc.

Engage rather than enrage your culture-create environments where children "get it".
Be inclusive not exclusive-you must understand your culture to be missional.
Relevant not Ridiculous-Good music doesn't belong to the devil, it belongs to God!
Hopeful not Harmful-you don't save people God does.

God makes it really simple...READY?
Love God...Love your neighbor...done :)

God is not in love with the future version of you.  He's in love with YOU...now!

To reach others, do things that haven't been done before.  It's not about a building, it is about a movement.

I refuse to drift; I choose to be apart of the uprising!  Roll the dice.  Be BOLD!

Check out the first 3 sermons of the series here

Thursday, September 13, 2012

welcome to the jungle

Southern Miss held Sorority Recruitment this past weekend.  As a graduate student I was able to assist the Greek Life office for practicum hours and see a different side of recruitment than what I am use to.  I missed my Phi Mu girls terribly, but I knew they were in good hands.  Finally on Tuesday (Bid Day) I was able to go back to the house and visit with everyone.  The Bid Day theme was "Welcome to the Jungle!" All of the Phi (new member) assistants worked really hard to paint all of the letters, banners, and get the gift bags ready for the new girls.  I am so proud of all of the dedication put into this one weekend!  Shout out to Ashley and Cally for being great leaders to the chapter during Recruitment. 

Phi Mu To The Top! Congrats on 56 new members. 

Obsessed with this banner.  Might have to steal it and hang it up in my apartment...it will match right?

love love love these letters

Madeline...such a sweet girl.
I attempted to match the theme of bid day with my hot pink dress and leopard belt!

Cally: the sweet President of Alpha Omicron

President, me, Membership Director

PC 09 sporting their lion head bands!

Kelly-Phi Director working really hard on Bid Day
great job sister!

Look for more photos on my facebook page! I am so glad to be a part of the Alpha Omicron family!  

friend detour

I am very excited for today!  My good friend Nick who now lives in Charlotte and works for Push America, is on his way to NOLA and gets to stop in Hattiesburg!  After living in the library for the last week, it will nice to get to hang out for a bit.  While in Charlotte working camps this summer I had the opportunity to visit Nick's office aka the Headquarters for Pi Kappa Phi.  Other than the Phi Mu Headquarters I have never visited another national organization.  I love the history that each "museum" has to offer and also all of the stories that could be told.  My favorite part of the tour was the mug wall.  Almost every chapter in the nation has their own mug to represent their school...pretty cool.  I hope all of you are having a great week...the weekend is almost here and that means USM's first home football game!  To The Top!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

southern miss vs nebraska


 I know everyone is pumped about college football being back in full swing. Oddly enough the first game for the Southern Miss Golden Eagles is on the road in Lincoln, Nebraska.  I had the opportunity to visit that campus and the Memorial stadium when I was traveling for Phi Mu. First of all let me say that in all of these pictures it looks like I am a Huskers fan...but that is NOT the case today.

Go Golden Eagles!  Southern Miss To The Top!

Friday, August 31, 2012

winner winner chicken dinner

Guess what everyone!? I won a giveaway on one of the blogs I read!  Pink Lemonade Design.  I am beyond excited.  It's a gift card to Shopbop!  After the crazy week of Hurricane  Tropical Storm Isaac I think a little online shopping will do the trick! Don't you think?  What are your plans for Labor Day? I think some graduate schools friends and I might go to the Hattiesburg Zoo!  Have a great weekend!

this was posted on her blog today...love it!

Check out Isabelle's blog here...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

duck fest 2012

Friday morning I woke up to a ton of facebook notifications!  Most of them were junk, but a few special people wanted me to change my profile picture to a picture of when I was the Duck Festival Queen.  I represented the city of Gueydan in 2007! 5 years ago...I have yet to visit the festival since I gave up my title.  After a little peer pressure I decided to go!

Finally after a four hour drive back to Gueydan I was ready to hit the festival.  There was a bit of a hiccup because it was pouring down raining!  I mean raining cats and dogs!  If you could have seen me driving once I got there it was pretty hilarious.  Picture me scrunched over and eyes squinting....okay so maybe it is not that funny and more dangerous.  ANYWAY, the rain finally let up and I was able to get to the festival ground.

Let me just say that it is not the Duck Festival if it is not pouring down raining one day and then boiling hot the next!  I jumped in my car with my umbrella and raincoat, but not my rain boots or tennis shoes.  So the solution was to visit the local Dollar General and find shoes.  I assumed they would have boots or tennis shoes.  No!  They have nothing in my size except a pair of black $1 flip flops.  Good thing no one really cares what is on your feet at the festival.  I did not even bring them back to Hattiesburg.  Those disgusting flip flops are probably still on Mrs. Judy's steps.

Friday night we danced the night away at the Festival.  The Chee Weez played.  They are a cover band who played lots of 80s music, pop, and even a little country!  They dressed up and had costumes. Their set was pretty legit.  The keyboard was on a spinning platform and they had a huge screen with live video feed and other videos they played during the set.  All in all Friday night was a blast!

Saturday was the BIG day!  We had interviews, the actual pageant, and the parade.  It had certainly been a while since I had even attended a pageant.  It was great to see old friends and be a part of a wonderful tradition that is the Duck Festival.

Enjoy the pictures!

2012 Duck Festival T-shirt
they had so many colors of shirts to choose from

Picture of the crowd from the hospitality booth

koozie love

love me some Mischa!
2005 Duck Queen duo
She was the miss queen and I was teen

Madison the outgoing Queen
the last time I saw her she wasn't even in high school!

past queen Angelle wearing the mallard duck as a hat
She thinks she could wear it to a Royal wedding in London

past queen Angelle

past queen Hannah

past queen Jessie

We love our Director Mrs. Judy!

All the past queens that were at the pageant

I just had to put on the crown!
ouch...I feel the dent coming back already

Duck float...loved riding in this thing.
People would take pictures as were were driving down the highway with it
so hilarious!

Just a little side note...my suv is called the Duckmobile and it is all from my crazy year as the Duck Queen!  AHHHH one of the BEST years of my life!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

first day of school

It's my first day of school!

Grad school starts tonight at 6:30, definitely going to be an adjustment since all of my classes are night classes.  I am so ready for this new chapter in life I really feel like Nemo does...watch the clip. It is precious.  Thank you to everyone who has been supportive, caring, loving, and challenging along this journey!  I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Monday, August 20, 2012

turtle on a fencepost

I am not normally one to express my heart felt feelings through facebook, but there is a life lesson that I want to share with whoever reads this.  First and foremost let me say that I have been truly blessed by my parents.  They have instilled in me morals, values, and faith.  They have taught me how to be kind and generous to people and more importantly to be loyal.  My dad has always told me the story of "the turtle on a fence post"...I tried to google it and found out that there is an actual book titled this, but haven't read it.

The story goes as remembered:
The physical make up of the turtle does not allow itself to get up on the fence post.  So how does he get there? Well he has help from someone else.  Someone has to pick the turtle up and place him on the fence post.

My moral to this story is that in life we have many times where we need help, but because as humans we are too prideful we want to accomplish things on our own.

Well let me tell you something... YOU. CANNOT. DO. IT. ALONE.
No way possible.

Think about all of the successful people that you admire.  They did not achieve their success by themselves.  It takes a small army to reach your goals and that is completely okay.

I challenge you the fearless ones who are reading to ask for help.  Don't be afraid to get advice from others no matter how honest it might be.  With the help of other people you will achieve so much more.

Pretend you are the turtle...now that you had help and are on top of the fencepost, the sky is the limit!

Friday, August 17, 2012

one slimy obstacle

I just have to share a story about Hattiesburg.  So last night I get back to my apartment from the Phi Mu house, the chapter had a mock rush for alumna which was extremely successful.  I arrive at the door and what is waiting for me? A HUGE FROG! This was not the prince charming kind of frog, but a  big ugly frog staring at me and keeping me from going in the apartment.  So I think to myself what do I do? Call mom....she answers and I tell her the story about this huge frog that is just going to jump on me if I get any closer.  She suggests shoving it with my foot...uh no! I decide to throw a stick at it, it didn't work! The frog is still there.  I am freaking out! Mom finally talks enough courage in me to get the keys in the door and unlock it.  I take a deep breath and jump through the tiny opening of the door, but leave the keys in the dead bolt.  :( While all of this is happening my mother is dying laughing on the phone at me!  I know I know, it was just a frog. Although it was a big frog and I really don't think this one would have turned into a prince by one kiss.  One could only dream. ha!  I get the keys out of the dead bolt, slam the door, and breathe a deep sigh of relief.

Later that night my phone rings and it's Dad.  I answer quickly and what happens on the other end? Laughter!  I can hardly hear him say "You gotta kiss a few frogs to find a prince" because he is hysterically laughing at me! I know I acted like a big ole sissy, but it did make for one great story :)

Hmm I haven't left the apartment today, hopefully the frog has moved on.  Cross your fingers!

One of my closest friends and omega sisters is coming to Hattiesburg to visit me!  My first visitor!  Can't wait to spend the weekend with Jessi!  Look out Hattiesburg two Omegas are in town!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

the new apartment

Finally, I am all moved into my apartment.  After a four hour drive, sleeping on the floor the first night, sweating our butts off in this southern heat, and a couple days later it is all finished.  Well, most of it. ha! My brother and dad came along for the manual labor part :) Then they left Saturday afternoon.  Mom and I have been all over the city searching every store we could find to finalize the apartment.  I have a few projects I am going to work on myself.  Cross your fingers I get it done.

Okay so now for the anticipated pics of the new apartment...

I just had to take a picture inside the U-haul....or should I say sweat box?

All loaded up and ready to go!  4 hours here we come!

The boys hanging out before we grab some grub at the local burger place : Mugshots!
Those two weren't bored at all...not even a little bit.

Kitchen...the place where spaghetti (prego out of the jar), mac-n-cheese, eggs, and cereal will be made :) I think that is about all this chef can handle!

Mom found this table on one of the facebook sale sites.  We sanded it down and stained the top then painted the legs.  It turned out great!  Closer up pics will come soon.

I am in love with that we decided to do for the wall by the kitchen table.  The 'paint chip' canvases are simple and fun.  Something you don't see everyday.  I also love the quatrefoil mirror found on sale for $12! The key hole piece I found at Hobby Lobby and just love what it represents for my new apartment. I am going to add something photos in the wooden frame, maybe.  In the black frame I want to have the outline of LA and MS and small hearts placed where Bunkie and Hattiesburg are located.  

Mom and I came up with the idea of the fleur de lis frames which use to be in my room as something else.  Also we found that amazing quatrefoil clock at Kirkland's in Hattiesburg.

My room :) I found that huge mirror at Marshalls for a steal since everything I liked at Hobby Lobby was over $300...uh no thank you!

Mom and I had a bit of difficulty with the curtains which are really table cloths.  We saw the idea on pinterest...well they didn't tell you that some of the table cloths aren't cut straight.  We figured it out and now they are perfect.

I saw the monogram burlap frames on pinterest and just had to remake my own version.  
I also absolutely love my west elm duvet cover and Ralph Lauren fitted sheet.  I don't sleep with a top sheet.  The paisley and strip mix is fun!  Also the hot pink flamingo pillow!

This is probably my proudest item in the apartment.  I also saw this idea to hang your necklaces on a towel rod using 'S" hooks.  I have had all of my jewelry shoved into my travel jewelry bag for a year now.  It is nice to have some breathing room, especially since I have added to my collection lately!

This is a side sink and counter top area to the actual bathroom.  I will soon have a gorgeous antique stool that is being recovered in place of the hot pink stool.  Although I love the wooden stool I am excited to have a little more glam in the space.


As you can see the washer and the dryer are in the bathroom. It is something different but hey they work so all is well! 

I wanted to keep this room really crisp.  I loved the fluffy white shower curtain and found this one super cheap...thanks momma.  We searched high and low for the perfect rugs for the floor and finally found them at Stein Mart of all places.  

The two pieces of wall decor were in the kitchen of my place in Natchitoches, but they added just the perfect amount of color and inspiration for the bathroom.

TV area, since this picture I have had to rearrange the candle and cool little lion photo holders because of the ugly modem and router, but a girl's gotta have cable and internet ;)

Oh and if you can see the photo frame has pictures of cotton.  I picked these up from the National Beta Club advisor party.  A great southern charm to add to my apartment.

Yep...my new place.  The blue dog that I painted in Stagecraft during college greets you at the door!  One day I will have a real Blue dog painting in my home, but for now I am proud of this one.

Come visit me! anyone...seriously!