About Me

My photo
I love red velvet cake, glitter, music, car washes, and nail polish. I am a southern belle with a hint of cajun class. Starting this blog was a challenge to do something I WANTED to do not because I HAD to.

Monday, July 23, 2012

mountain climbing

Here at Beta BLC we like to climb mountains!  That's right, mountains...or if you would like to call it a goal in your life.  During council time the campers set goals for themselves.  My mom would always say if it is a dream then write it down and it can become a goal...so dream big! It is so very important to set goals in life.  Not just set them, but share them with others.  Don't be afraid to include others with your dreams and goals in life.  They can help you stay on track and hold you accountable.  I hope all of you will start writing your goals down.  Get ready to climb your mountains!

What are some of your mountains in life?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

beta blc

Beta BLC is in full swing!  This week is spectacular.  Betas coming together from all over the country to learn more about being a better leader.  I love the picture below...it speaks volumes.  So many betas are able to find others that feel the exact same way they do and discuss their struggles back home.  This week did not create friends, but family.

While I am listening to Donnie Thurman's "Make It Happen" presentation, I just had to share some inspiration from him.

TIME is important.  Today Is My Everything.  Make today count.  Do something for others than for yourself.

Here is another video he showed about failure ;)

And here's another....

You only get out what you put in!

Thanks Donnie for some great inspiration.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

southern celebration

This past weekend my closest friends (the omega crew) packed up and headed to New Orleans to celebrate many things!  Birthdays, grad school, law school, life changes, friendships, and of course just an excuse to hang out!  The trip was filled with laughter and fun.  We walked downtown NOLA and I was just in awe!  Every time I visit there is always something new that excites me.

I think I have decided that I want to retire on St. Charles in one of those HUGE GORGEOUS mansions!  What do you think? I guess I better start saving now...one of my favorite parts of the trip was riding the trolley and just taking in the view of the scenery.

My mom gave me some bracelets from Lilly Pultizer and inclosed in the package was a disposable camera.  I definitely took advantage of being silly with this new toy of mine!  Most of the pictures I took from the weekend are on there and I will just have to wait and get it developed to relive most of the memories.  I did get to capture some great moments other wise.

E and her new boyfriend

loved this

interesting art in nola

the omegas

my favorite blue dog for the moment!
life is a bouquet of color

sassy and classy in all things pink

found an amazing sir fidel in a shop in the french quarter

gorgeous balcony

can I live here...please?

joke of the night: my shirt was the color of a traffic cone so I had to pose like one with one :)
A big thanks to my omega girls for making the weekend oh so fabulous!  I love all of you so so so much! Until our next adventure....cruise at Christmas? uh yes!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

oh it's my bday

Yep it is my b day!  Thanks mom and dad for giving me life! 
Can't believe I am now 23! 
time sure flies.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

a little inspiration

These last three weeks have been crazy!  Dad sent me off on Father's Day at the airport and life has just been rolling by so quickly since then.  I have been in Charlotte, Greensboro, and San Antonio (camp/beta convention/Phi Mu convention).  I had some great adventures along the way and had the opportunity to spend time with amazing people.  I have a lot to blog about!  I cannot believe I let myself get so behind.

As my mom and I were driving to San Antonio, I got an email from Dad. The email said...

I found this very inspirational.
I love you.

Mom and I loved the video!  We kept saying, "that's so true" and "if only it was that easy"...looking back on this last year this is definitely something that has helped me.  I wish I had this video to watch last summer.

Really take a look at the message in the video.  I just know everyone can get something out of watching it.  

The journey is what makes you a better person.  It is the mistakes and life lessons that build upon your character.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  God knows best and even though it is difficult for us to see it at sometimes we just have to let go and let God.

Enjoy the video and let me know what you think!