About Me

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I love red velvet cake, glitter, music, car washes, and nail polish. I am a southern belle with a hint of cajun class. Starting this blog was a challenge to do something I WANTED to do not because I HAD to.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Camp: Day 1

Today was the first day of camp and what an awesome day it was!  It was filled with so many wonderful moments.  New campers nervous and excited for what will be in store for them this week!  Oh and let me just mention that this camp is for females only so a special shout out to all my gals out there!

The staff all wait patiently in the lobby of Wireman.  I am bouncing of the walls by this point. Already had my first coca-cola for the day :) Music starts and here we go!!!!!

I have council F! holla! My council has decided to call ourselves the "Fancy Fantastic Feisty Facebook Fanatics"....alright I know we got carried away with the F words....at least they are all positive ;)

Tonight Donnie Thurman Jr but known to campers as Donnie Don Juan shared a wonderful message.  He is just an awesome speaker!  I look up to him so much...he just exudes inspiration!  (Gents out there, let me just tell you he makes it difficult to find another sweet gentleman like himself) This message is really amazing along with the story!

To sum his message all up....your past does not have to create your future...you get to do that! Whoa what? yep!  If something is going on in your life and you are wanting to break free and move on.  Do it!  Just because something in your past might seem to be an obstacle, don't let it!  You choose your future.

Check out the video he shared with us tonight...

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Headed to Charlotte today for summer camps!  I cannot wait for some great company and inspiration!  I seriously work with the most amazing group of people a person could ask for!

Get excited for some crazy pictures and awesome stories from camp!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DIY lilly coasters

Before I move to Hattiesburg in August I have been pinteresting ideas for my new apartment.  I have seen tons and tons of pictures for DIY coasters made out of Lilly Pulitzer planners, so I decided to try it.  Well the slight hoarder in me went to tear out my pages and just couldn't do it.  Planners are almost like diaries and this past year being a consultant, it sure would be a crazy diary to read! So I decided to use the next best thing...Lilly Pulitzer catalogs!  I had a Spring 2012 and Summer 2012 catalog laying around the house and found some great prints to use for my coasters.

This really was an easy project to start with!

Items needed:

  • square tiles bought from Lowes
  • planner/catalog pages
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • homemade modge podge (water and Elmer's glue mixed)...much cheaper!
  • felt
  • paint brush
  • hot glue gun
  • watco butcher block 
First decide what pages you want you use and trace the tile on the paper then cut it out.

Then paint on some glue to the tile.  Lay the paper down and reapply the glue.  I painted the glue on vertically and then horizontally just so it would cover properly.

Allow time to dry and reapply glue again.

The next day I hot glued felt to the bottom of the tile compared to using cork on the bottom. 

And Let me just teach everyone a lesson that will help you immensely  throughout life.  My momma taught me this when I was a little girl and it has always stuck (pun intended) When glueing ANYTHING!...if you glue the edges you do not need to worry about the middle.  So that means you don't need to make some crazy design of glue in the middle.  Just trace the edges and you are good to go! That little rant is for you momma :)

Lastly I sealed the coasters off with the Watco Butcher Block

instagrammed it :)

If you get bored and want to try an easy DIY pinterest project...start with this one.  It will definitely boost your artistic self confidence.

Until next time...more projects ahead.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

blog crushin'

Since I started my blog almost a year ago I have come across a new hobby.  I am obsessed with reading blogs!  Fashion blogs, decorating blogs, preppy blogs, and even a blog about what Princess Kate wears!  I just learned how to set them using the RSS feed and it is so much better since I don't have all of these updates sent to my email.  

I wanted to share my favorite blogs with all of you so maybe you might find a new hobby!

What Kate Wore will update you on everything Royalty.  Even down to what pair of shoes and jewelry she wears.  One of my favorite pieces of the blog is the famous hats of course!
What Kate Wore

The Preppy Princess is written from the prepatorium (love it) located in the Mid West.  It covers everything from clothes to colleges!  Great articles to read and always allows me to learn something new.
Pink Peonies is one of my favorite fashion blogs!  She is based out of Utah and I would kill for her closet!  Pink lips, Tory Burch, and great printed pieces...so much inspiration! Not to mention that peonies have become one of my favorite flowers!
The Pink Peonies
Cupcakes and Cashmere is the most precious blog about fashion, food, make up, decorating, and a little bit of everything!  Emily does a great job of sharing with the blogasphere!  I love her style and I am always jealous of her cooking skills!
Cupcakes and Cashmere
Lastly my fav!  I just found this blog through pinterest...it is called LOVE TWENTY!  It is a blog for women in their twenties, college life, career, and everything in between.  It has multiple writers who are  primarily young college women.  I love that this blog covers what is going on in the culture of twenty something women (facebook, movies, makeup, the closing of Betsey Johnson :(, iphone apps for women)  I even quote this blog a lot!
Love Twenty
I hope you all enjoy these blogs as much as I do...I have even more that I read on a daily basis, but these will do for now!  

Tell me what you think...what blogs are you crushing on?