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I love red velvet cake, glitter, music, car washes, and nail polish. I am a southern belle with a hint of cajun class. Starting this blog was a challenge to do something I WANTED to do not because I HAD to.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Phi Mu sisters & Rock and Roll

Recently I visited Baldwin Wallace College which is in Berea, OH.  Berea is a hop, skip, and a jump away from Cleveland.  So what do I get to do while there? SIGHTSEE! I think 'professional tourist' should be included in the job description for chapter consultants.  While in Cleveland, we walked downtown, learned a bit of history, saw the Indian's stadium, tasted some yummy food, and most importantly got to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!  It was awesome to see the origin of Rock and Roll and to see some amazing costumes for those talented artists!  I also learned a thing or two ;)

This was a restaurant that was started by firemen.  It was really neat and of course great food!
sweet sign made by my DI sisters!

Yummy lunch spot in Cleveland
The Winking Lizard-such a fun local and they also had live creatures there!
I jumped about 5 feet off the ground when I saw it.  ha

Indians Stadium

Hello Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

One of Elvis's cars-Mrs. Mary Pujol this is for you!...before I realized I was not suppose to be taking pictures

I did not know that this was Lake Erie-Glad I got to visit my first Great Lake!
Oh and that boat looks like a blast for a fun party or event!

MJ glove and guitar-this display was right as you walked into the building!
The original glove is in another display-it was in a glass case that rotated.

well hey there cool car...

gorgeous skyline

birth place of Rock and Roll
amazing artists have passed through this city!!!!

Phi Mu badge and letters on the side of the building at Baldwin Wallace College!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Professional Tourist is definitely a good addition to the job description of Traveling Consultants!
