Finally. Today is the day. I've been waiting for July 24, 2011 since February. The wait has finally ceased. Today I start a new adventure. I'm so excited to travel Phi Mu America motivating and inspiring college women.
Today has definitely been a test of patience. I keep telling myself to take a deep breath and calm down. I know there is a purpose to everything in life and God is watching over me. He has sent his angels to fly with me during every single flight. Do you ask your angels to watch over you while you travel?
Today has been a little crazy trying to get things ready and packed, I am sitting at the airport in Alexandria, LA and who do I see? A small gift from God saying everything is going to be okay. My past Phi Mu advisor walks off of an airplane. How wonderful it was to see her before I leave. She was supportive, motivating, and uplifting during my office of President for Kappa Iota. She was a shoulder to lean on and cry and someone to call to share a laugh or two. What a blessing she was today.
It is the small things in life that make me smile. The familiar face at the airport, the green lights while driving, and the frogs I keep seeing on my car. Speaking of my car....It was very sad to leave my duckmobile behind.
It's about that time to put the big girl panties on and join the rest of the world in reality. I can't wait!