The past two months at First Hattiesburg the sermon series has been called Crazy Stupid Love! At first I was thinking oh yes this is going to be about relationships! Woohoo! This series has been much more than that.
It has discussed dating, engagement, marriage, how a wife should respect her husband, and how a husband should love his wife. All of these sermons were supported with scripture.
I always knew that the Bible talked about marriage/dating/etc, but never really thought much about it. I first watched a series called The New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating. It was a series produced through a large church in Atlanta. A few of the First sermons resembled the Andy Stantley talks, but First has gone above and beyond that.
These past sermons have opened my eyes, mind and heart to the way we are suppose to handle relationships. I encourage you to read some of the scripture that clearly describes ways to have successful relationships.
Check out First Hattiesburg to watch all of the sermons!
You can be sure to visit First Hattiesburg's Facebook page for the videos there as well.
Here is a list of scripture for you...
Ephesians 5:25-29
1 Corinthians 11:3
Genesis 2:18, 21-22
1 Timothy 5:14
Titus 2:4
Eccl. 4:9
Ephesians 5: 31-32
Proverbs 31:11
Romans 12:10
Song of Solomon 1:2
Proverbs 5:18
My reasoning for this post is to share and celebrate today's date! I actually graduated from high school six years ago today. More importantly this date shares a special date for my parents... their wedding anniversary! They are celebrating 31 years of marriage.
I am so proud of them. Of course as a child you don't really see the grown up things that are occurring around you, but now as an adult I can see how difficult a marriage could be. One thing I have always told my mom is that I am so appreciative of my parents demonstrating a realistic marriage. I believe I was able to watch them set a good example for how to handle situations and deal with the crazy stupid love that they had for each other.
Congrats mom and dad on your marriage! I hope you are able to enjoy many many more years together! I love both of you so much and cannot thank you enough for being inspirational parents!
I am also excited for my very best friend to be engaged! Congrats Sara and Joel!
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